Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement
The Board of Directors emphasizes the importance of all stakeholders and has established guidelines on stakeholder engagement that are equally and fairly outlined in the business code of conduct. These guidelines have been distributed to all employees since they started working with the company. The company also ensures the protection of stakeholders’ rights in accordance with relevant laws and refrains from any activities that would violate those rights.
The company has conducted a review of stakeholder participation, identifying and assessing their importance in relation to the company’s operations across all business chains. It also seeks to identify ways to effectively and appropriately respond to stakeholder expectations and concerns.
Furthermore, the company values the opinions and participation of all stakeholder groups. To facilitate this, the company provides various forms of communication and channels for stakeholder engagement, tailored to each group. This enables all stakeholder groups to transparently and appropriately express their opinions. The details are as follows.
Channels for Participation and Contact
- Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
- Quarterly analyst meetings
- The Meeting between listed companies and investors
- Annual Report
- Investor Relations Contact
Tel: 02- 895-4139-54
- Good and sustainable performance
- Good corporate Governance
- Risk control planning
- Information disclosure and transparency
- Equitable treatment of stakeholders
- Aim to create maximum benefits for shareholders with efficient planning and operation.
- Cost management, by developing and reducing production costs to the lowest under the specified standards, without affecting the quality of the product.
- Conduct business in accordance with good governance principles, and corporate governance.
- Policy and plan for risk management.
- The necessary information is disclosed to the public.
- Treat investors and all stakeholders equally.
- Study and consider investment in various projects continually .
Channels for Participation and Contact
- Visits and audits
- Customer visits and online meetings
- Customer Satisfaction Survey
- Contact via salespersons
- Contact sales and marketing
Tel: 02- 895-4139-54
- The products is safe. The quality meets the required standards.
- Delivery on time
- Fair price, able to compete
- Quickly support and solve problems for customers.
- Conduct business effciently with international standard. Does not affect the community, society, and environment.
- Development of product and services.
- Accredited to the standards of each country. Product quality control is conducted at each stage of production, as well as being auditors as required by customers
- Develop production and work processes in order to be able to produce products quickly according ot the customers’ need.
- Develop new product according ot market need.
- Deliver good quality of product to time.
- Maintain good product quality continuously
- Befor and after sale services with engineers and experts and give advice to customers.
- There are systems and mechanisms in place to respond and act quickly to solve problems and complaints of customers, as well as to take care of and prevent repeating the same problems.
- Accredited by international standards of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Operate with responsibly towards communities, society, and the environment.
- Business Review by jointly planning and reviewing business strategies with customers.
Channels for Participation and Contact
- Internal communication system
- Working satisfaction survey
- Comment or complaint through various channels by contacting HR, executives or directors or infoming via comment box or
- Reasonable compensation and benefits.
- Knowledge development, and work skills are strong with good progress in work.
- Good working environment and safety at work.
- Employees treatment with humanity principles.
- Fair remuneration and welfare, along with paying bonuses according to the company’s performance each year.
- Support, develop, and increase the knowledge, abilities and skills of employees to have a good, consistent and secured career path.
- Take care of the working environment to be safe for life, health and property of employees.
- Respect for human rights without discrimination, race, religion, gender, social or political opinion.
- Take comments and suggestions from employees to develop and improve employee care.
- Development and improvement of work process into digital systems
- Provide scholarships to children of employees who meet the specified criteria.
Channels for Participation and Contact
- Visits and audits
- Contact the Purchasing Department
Tel: 02- 895-4139-54 - Complaints about corruption through
- Transparency and fairness.
- A Clear procurement regulation.
- The company complies with the contracts or agreed terms
- Growing business togerther.
- Conduct business in accordance with anti-corruption policy, no receiving any benefits from business partners and treating them equally.
- Invite business partners to join in the anti-corruption.
- Follow up the complaince with the Supplier Code of Conduct, which covers social and environment issues.
- Analyze and assess trading partner risks
- Provide them with information of the procurement process
- Strictly abide by the agreed contraacts.
- Share knowleadge and jointly develop products with partners
- Support environmental friendly procurement
- Business Reviews by jointly planning and reviewing business strategies with partners.
Channels for Participation and Contact
- Fair trade
- Do not damage reputation or accuse
- Cooperate to develop and drive market grow
- Compete in a framework of fair rules and do not seek confidential information by unjust means
- Do not damage the reputation of competitors by defamation or any act without truth and fairness
- Develop and drive the industry to grow continuously
Community and Environment
Channels for Participation and Contact
- Social activities
- Contact HR or the Environmental Complaint Center
Tel: 02-895-4139
- Support the community to have a good quality of life, free from environmental problems
- Create jobs, support, provide assistance and cooperate with people in the community.
- Conduct business with social and environmental responsibilities.
- Carry out environmental management Control and reduce enviromental impacts from business operations
- There is employment, support, assistance, and cooperation with people in the community.
- The company has continued to create benefits for communities, society, and the environment, both self-operating and cooperating and cooperating with the government and community.
- Implement projects and activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Improve working processes to move to the Paperless working system.
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